Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saranac ~ Shandy Lager & Lemonade

At at friends house enjoying this brew on a warm summer night. Light fruit noise. Really nice month feel with undertones on lemon that are not aggressive. 

Style: Lager

4.2% ABV
IBUs : 10

Victory ~ Hop Ticket session IPA

You can read a little about Victory from other posts, as for this brew, I was told by one of the reps that this beer was gone for some time and only sold from the tap. They brought it back along with another style in bottles and its good.

Style: IPA
Taste: Bitter / Hoppy
Color: Light and clean
Aromatics: Hoppy
Rating: 6 out of 10 Beer Glasses
Alcohol Content:   4.5% ABV
IBU’s If known:
Hop Ticket Session IPA

This is a nice IPA for even those who don't lean to the hoppy side of beers because its not super over powering. I believe that would be a good starter for those looking to try and get into the IPA style of beers as the bitter / hoppy taste is not so strong that it makes the beer not enjoyable. The finish is good and you still do keep the hoppy over tones for some time but on a hot summer day this does alright. I hope you enjoy this with a nice BBQ. Till the next Pint, Happy tasting :)

The Cap

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Victory ~ Dirt Wolf - Double IPA

Victory Brewing Company has a great story and if you have the chance you should read about them on their web site. Two guys Ron and Bill who said good by to working for someone else in the corp world and lets make BEER, thank you corp. world for being who you are and bringing these guys to the beer loving community. Anyway they started in Feb 15, 1996 to the public in the Philly area and and recently expanded their brewing.

Style: Double IPA
Taste: Bitter and Smooth
Color: Amber with a nice head
Aromatics: Hoppy nose
Rating: 7 out of 10 beer glasses
Alcohol Content:   8.7% ABV
IBU’s If known:

This beer is an IPA and if you simply don't like IPA's you may best move on, however it is worth a sip. Dirt Wolf is a well balanced brew. You get allot in the front from this beer with respect to the hops but it cleans up nice in the mouth.

Dirt Wolf - Double IPA
You can tell from your nose that an IPA is on the way. Victory has done a great job with this brew. I am typically not an IPA drinker but I am a lover of beer and all should be tasted. This one was no exception and I found myself pleased I did. So until the next Pint, Happy tasting :)

The Cap

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saranac ~ The Cloud Splitter

Saranac is a brewery from Utica, NY and was started in 1888. They have a wide range of beers and styles in there portfolio so there should be something for every taste. They say if you like this one you may like their Legacy IPA.

Style: Ale
Taste: Bitter in the front
Color: Cloudy light golden
Aromatics: Bitters
Rating: 6 out of 10 beer glasses
Alcohol Content:   6.0% ABV
IBU’s If known: 50

This brew does hit with bitterness in the front and hangs around for some time. It left a hint of a tingle to the back of the month but was overall not bad. This was something I would only have one of.

Cloud Splitter
The beer is a bit more cloudy in person then the picture would make you think. Until the next pint, Happy tasting :)

The Cap

Many Beer, Little Glasses

Over the past couple of weeks I had not wrote anything due to the variety of beers I got to taste on May 18th, I had friends and family over and as you can see from the images below we had quit a fun time. I have to say 95% of the beers were very well received. The favorites where the Yards brews, Ales of the Revolution. They are a must have. 

Round One

Out of the list below we all loved the Golden Carolus Van De Keizer......Wow is this a great beer. 10 out of 10 beer glasses. 

Round Two
If you can given them a try let me know which you found to be the one(s) you most enjoyed, its great to try new things. Well; till the next pint, happy tasting :)